The London Seating in April 2018 at Westminster Hall, a year in the making, was an enormous success. Visit these two links for comprehensive information:<\/p>\n
Judicial Commission of Inquiry Into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse Commemorative Publication\u00a0\u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n Official Video Testimonies: Commission of Inquiry Into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n See Also:<\/strong><\/p>\n Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n <\/p>\n On 15 June 2017 the ITNJ Board of Trustees issued an official announcement<\/strong><\/a> of the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse<\/strong>.<\/p>\n The Commission seeks to document — as no one else has done — the totality of the child abuse spectrum from slavery to sex to murder to body parts harvesting. Our intent is to document how many children actually go missing each year (with eight million a year as a speculative assumption); how long they live once ingested into the child abuse network of networks (two years is our preliminary assumption); what precisely happens to children; and who precisely is responsible for protecting this long-running genocide against our most vulnerable children.<\/p>\n The Commission, over the course of six to nine months and not to exceed one year, will investigate submissions, receive and hear testimonials and depositions <\/span> of individuals, conduct technical surveys of both conventional databases and the Dark Web, and hold hearings as needed. The prime function of the ITNJ Judicial Commission is to raise planetary awareness and document facts, not to prosecute. To this end the Commission will: <\/span>a) publish a Commission Report for submission to all world nations, multilateral police and intelligence agencies, associated world media and the public at large; and b) establish\u00a0a consolidated world-resource and repository for hard data and analytics across the broad gamut of human trafficking and child sex abuse. The online platform is to be made open-source as an irrefutable touchstone for the public; all elements of government and especially law enforcement and intelligence agencies and the media.<\/p>\n At appropriate points along the way, and at the end of the Inquiry in late 2019, the panel of ITNJ Justices will issue Judgments, Declarations, and Recommendations.\u00a0 Some recommendations may be to agencies of governments, such as to the USA Department of Justice or to the UK Crown Prosecution Service, to investigate and prosecute cases that fall under their jurisdiction.\u00a0 These judgments, declarations, and recommendations will have the weight of law.\u00a0 Although the ITNJ does not have an enforcement mechanism, any enforcement agency, such as Interpol or a national or local law enforcement agency of any country, may choose to act within their lawful boundaries by making arrests based on judgements or recommendations issued by the ITNJ.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A total of eighteen Commissioners are planned, representing both a diversity of regions and a diversity of domains (government, corporate, religious, other). As each Commissioner is confirmed, they will be added to the online listing<\/a>.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A separate category of Advocates<\/a> is under development and could be large in number as the Commission evolves.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The Commission has access to Dark Web and other transactional monitoring capabilities not normally available to governments because of the deliberate neglect by intelligence agencies, many of whom are part of the human trafficking problem. A significant contribution by the Commission to governments will be its education of officials desiring to improve government exploitation of the Dark Web and transactional analysis, and its out-sourcing for execution of specific campaigns on a country by country basis where access to relevant databases can be provided.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The Commission will share all pertinent information on a case by case basis with accredited law enforcement organizations including INTERPOL and EUROPOL. The Commission is a fact-finding and public education endeavor, not a law enforcement endeavor.\u00a0 The Commission will render judgments (hence “Judicial” in the title) about facts but refer all potential criminal indictments to appropriate authorities.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Most witnesses (survivors and prisoners) will be in camera, with their details extracted for publishing without attribution or conveyance to appropriate law enforcement officials. A few confirmed public witnesses will appear in formal hearings.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Victims and witnesses wishing to present testimony and evidence to the Commission may contact us<\/a>. The Commission is operating at the meta-level, seeking to document the totality of the problem. Most witnesses will be anonymous. Selected witnesses choosing to be visible to the public, and having major case studies helpful to advancing public understanding of the degree to which rogue elements of governments are part of the problem, will be featured. The Commission plans a sustained program of outreach to both survivors and prisoners (visit the LOTUS Initiative<\/a>) toward its end of documenting the totality of the child abuse spectrum.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A website for this Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, including many witness testimony videos is now located here: https:\/\/commission.itnj.org\/<\/a><\/p>\n A planned major library open to the public will bring together in one place all possible forms of documentation including videos to show the public the full extent of child abuse — child kidnapping, child sales, child slavery, child rape, child torture, child murder, child ritual sacrifice, and child body exploitation (blood, bone marrow, body parts, medical experimentation).<\/p>\n Although the Commission is approaching several people of considerable wealth who desire as much as we do to get to a full public understanding of the scourge that is pedophilia combined with child torture and murder, we have created a crowd-funding campaign for our one-year endeavor and invite anyone who shares our commitment to this project to donate whatever they deem affordable.<\/p>\n 2019 UPDATE: The actual crowd-funding campaign has ended, yet we continue forging ahead in the multi-faceted work required for this Commission. Gratitude for your continued support.<\/p>\nOfficial Announcement<\/h2>\n
ITNJ Commissioners<\/h2>\n
ITNJ Advocates<\/h2>\n
Commission Technical Operations<\/h2>\n
Commission Assistance to Law Enforcement<\/h2>\n
Confirmed Witnesses<\/h2>\n
Present Evidence to the Commission<\/h2>\n
Commission Website<\/h2>\n