In the few weeks leading up to the trial, listed for 12 September to 16 September 2016, the Applicant has reached out to Chief Justice John Walsh of Brannagh, with urgent concerns, which include the security and privacy of its witnesses, and of its own members. In fact, we have been informed that the NCPA’s members have received specific threats of harm and death. Such requiring immediate action by the ITNJ, it has been decided that though a hearing will be held on 12 September 2016, it will be one of procedural formality; the trial being deferred until the concerns of the NCPA have been addressed and the best course of action has been determined. The hearing will be closed to the general public in order to protect all parties involved.

We understand and respect the disappointment all those interested in the delivery of justice would reasonably feel due to this delay. However, it is important that we also respect the natural rights of the NCPA, its witnesses, and everybody else. We can assure you that we will be able to proceed with the trial once the security of the NCPA’s members and witnesses can be guaranteed. It would be unwise and unfair to force a trial upon parties where the trial is likely to cause significant harm to them.

Further, although the hearing of 12 September will be closed to the public, it will be filmed and made available online retroactively. If we are able to safely proceed with a trial, the trial will indeed be open and live-streamed.

Justice will prevail.

Issued by the Board of Trustees of the ITNJ


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