Frequently Asked Questions
We continue to receive many excellent questions. Thank you for your inquiries. We trust many of your questions will be answered here:
Questions About the ITNJ Proclamation, Mission, Treaty, and Constitution
The ITNJ has no built-in leanings towards any group, belief system, religion, government, or culture and therefore, cannot speak to what one group vs. another might believe, nor does it assume to know how any living being might interpret its words. The wording on its founding documents has been carefully crafted with the intent that all will know clearly its mission and goal when all material on the website is taken into consideration as a whole. It is a fact that not all people agree on all things and this is acknowledged and respected by the ITNJ.I have a question about the wording of the foundational documents of the ITNJ, including the Proclamation, Mission, Treaty, and Constitution.
No. The common sense meanings of the words give the accurate interpretation of the intrinsic meaning of the Treaty mandating establishment of the ITNJ. We are not here to further obfuscate the true nature of law but rather to make it accessible to The People it purports to serve.Is there 'legalese' in the foundational documents of the ITNJ, including the Proclamation, Mission, Treaty, and Constitution?
No. The ITNJ exists to serve as protector of all sovereign beings, everywhere, and to empower you in exercising personal sovereignty.Am I giving up my personal sovereignty by signing the ITNJ Treaty?
Your e-signature is stored on our secure servers. We have one of the top IT security experts on our team, doing our best to protect your data.Where are you storing my e-signature?
Send us an email conveying your choice to rescind your signature ratifying the ITNJ Treaty and we will honor the request as soon as possible by deleting your name from our list of signatories.After signing the ITNJ Treaty, what is the process for rescinding my ratification should I ever decide to do so?
The ITNJ Constitution has been published since 14 February 2015, when the ITNJ was established by Proclamation. Following the Inauguration Events and Ceremonial Seating of 15 June 2015, when the ITNJ Treaty and ITNJ Constitution were signed and sealed into law, the “Witnesses by” pages were also published. The full text of the ITNJ Constitution is published as a pdf document. You may need to adjust browser settings or script blockers to allow pdf documents to display properly on your computer in order to download and read the ITNJ Constitution.How may I view the full text of the ITNJ Constitution?
“The pine cone motif in the ITNJ’s logo denotes the pineal gland in homo sapiens. It is the organ within the human brain which connects our mechanical intelligence to our meta~intelligence, ie: our capacity to see outside the box, ergo to step outside the proverbial matrix. It is therefore the anchor point of our consciousness to the heavenly realms. “The language of law (legalese) has been, and continues to be, a veiled language, by its very design. The (mis)use of words and meanings equates to spellbinding. The ritualised majick that law has been subverted toward has not served humankind, but has contrarily conspired to delude us from our higher expression. The ITNJ is breaking these invisible bonds and re-purposing the language of law. It is reclaiming jurisprudence and restoring the foundational axis of Trust and Equity. The ‘figure of eight’ symbol on the lateral plane in the ITNJ logo alludes to the cycle of infinity. This denotes an absolutist approach by the ITNJ to pure-truth. Pure-truth is not by degrees, and where it is enshrined will ever serve to anchor the heavens to the causal realm.” ~ Sacha Stone, FounderWhat is the symbolism of the ITNJ logo?
Questions About Operations of the Tribunal
The International Tribunal for Natural Justice was established by Proclamation on 14 February 2015. That date was chosen in memory of St. Valentine, who died on that day defending the natural rights of the people.When was the International Tribunal for Natural Justice established?
As projected, the ITNJ began hearing cases in late 4th quarter 2015. The first official hearing took place on December 1, 2015, and the second official hearing took place on December 16, 2015.When did the ITNJ begin hearing cases?
The application process to the ITNJ has been temporarily suspended. The Board of Trustees of the ITNJ released a statement on 14 March 2017 in which they clarified why the ITNJ and supporting organizations will be focusing all resources on its ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. On the completion of the Commission of Inquiry (with a published Judicial Commission Report slated for 2023), the Board of Trustees will consider how to best proceed, including subsequent Commissions, or may choose to re-open the application process to the ITNJ.When can I file a case to be heard by the Tribunal?
It is the intention for all proceedings (as possible) to be live-streamed unless there are unusual circumstances at a particular venue preventing this action. A founding premise of the ITNJ is truth and transparency, and to that end, we have committed to uphold this by including the filming of proceedings so that they are not conducted in secret (unless witness safety is of concern and/or minor children are involved). The vision is to hold an open court of both virtual and in-situ proceedings, and then publish videos and reports as soon as possible.Are hearings and trials live-streamed?
The purpose of live-streaming is to restore trust of the people in the delivery of justice in the world. Live-streaming prevents the subtle doctoring of transcripts which has been known to regularly take place in certain court environments; it gives the public confidence in the court; and most importantly it ensures a high degree of integrity from judges and court officers who know that the eyes of the world are on them.What is the purpose of live-streaming hearings and trials?
Anyone regardless of location is equally afforded the recognition and protection of the ITNJ and is equally invited to align with the ITNJ.What makes this Tribunal International?
The ITNJ exists outside and above the jurisdiction of any one nation or country by the authority of the People of the World. The sovereign People of the World are the source of authority. If the People weren’t sovereign, they would not be able to authorize a sovereign government, because you cannot delegate authorities you do not have. The People of any nation or country or territory have the right to delegate their authority to representatives they choose to run their government. Case in point: the government of the United States of America is allegedly founded and maintained by the consent of the governed. Just as the People can authorize their governments to act on their behalf, the People can authorize their Tribunal, the ITNJ, to act on their behalf, and delegate their sovereign authority to administer Natural Law. By their signatures ratifying the Treaty of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, the People of the World mandate the establishment of the ITNJ and delegate to the officers of the ITNJ their authority to administer Natural Law for all the People of the World, in all the territory of the World.How does the ITNJ have the authority to claim Universal Jurisdiction?
Enforcement is the first question many people ask, and the answer is: The People. Just as The People of the World are the authority behind this Tribunal, The People of the World are the authority behind enforcing the decisions of this Tribunal. The signatures on the ITNJ Treaty constitute the authority and jurisdiction for enforcement under International Law. The more people that sign the treaty, the more force it will have in law. From there, enforcement is an effort of momentum…building a body of willing individuals unified for the benefit of all.Who will enforce decisions of the ITNJ?
Truth and Reconciliation is a function of the Tribunal that seeks to create a peaceful environment for those who have caused harm to another to meet with those they have harmed in order to reach a mutual agreement. Just as we envision the ITNJ operating its court globally, we also envision Truth and Reconciliation worldwide. For centuries, the violence to People and Planet has been so great that it would take thousands of courts decades to prosecute all the atrocities. Atrocities must end, therefore we focus not on revenge, but on remedy and restitution. Truth and Reconciliation Programs allow those who were swept up into working for corrupt systems to come forward and ask for amnesty. We offer a blueprint for The People of the World to stop all harm perpetrated in their communities and consciously act to restore peace and justice. This is the concept of Justice with Mercy. Some who have been accessory to violations of human rights were either deceived or coerced into the actions they took, and thus should not be treated the same way as those who consciously chose to commit harm of their own volition.How does Truth and Reconciliation relate to the mission of the ITNJ?
“Lawyers around the world are often members of local bars which are professional associations (no Kind regards,Why are BAR attorneys involved with the ITNJ?
different from other professions such as medicine and so on). In most countries there are requirements to take an oath to act fairly for the client, and some countries require an oath to the sovereign (from which one can be exempted as Americans were in Australia as swearing allegiance to The Queen could prejudice their American citizenship). In my case I took an oath of allegiance to The Queen in Australia and in England and also on Norfolk Island (in fact two oaths, one as a barrister, then later as a magistrate). Then I took a similar oath in Ireland (although no queen as Ireland is a republic). Then in the United States I undertook to obey the laws of the United States and its various states. Not one of these oaths prevented me from acting at all times in the interest of justice for all people nor did it stop me from acting against the Crown or the Government. You may recall the classic case in England where it was determined the Crown could and would be sued (“Let Right be Done”). Apart from being a member of the Norfolk Island Bar, I am also a member of The Victorian Bar, and the International Bar Association as well as the South Pacific Lawyers Association and the European Association of Lawyers. I have been admitted to the Inner Temple (England) and Kings’ Inns (Ireland where there is no king). Not one of these memberships in any way affects my independence and my ability to act fairly and in the interests of justice whether as a barrister-at-law or a judge. The ITNJ is and will be independent in the interests of natural justice for all peoples. We have already had discussions regarding representation before the ITNJ as clearly spelled out in the Constitution. To those who say “they do not trust lawyers and judges” I would ask what remedy they would seek. There are only three ways to change things: politically, you need influence and money and lots of it; revolutionary, you need even more money and lots of people united in the one cause who will act together; legally, you need competent lawyers and honest judges, which is what you will get with the ITNJ.”
John W.B. (ITNJ Chief Justice)
The headquarters of the ITNJ is located in London, but well outside of the “City of London”. The city commonly known as London has a population of 8 million plus people and covers a total area of 1,572 sq km (607 sq m). In contrast, the area known as the “City of London” is a one-mile square territory which is a sovereign city-state, completely separate from London, UK (similar to Washington DC, which is a ten-mile square sovereign city-state completely separate from the USA). Rest assured, no ITNJ offices are geographically located within the one-mile-square territory called the “City of London” and the ITNJ has no affiliation with any corporations housed there.Is the ITNJ affiliated with what is sometimes called the banking cabal housed in the City of London?
Quote from Chief Justice John Walsh of Brannagh following inaccurate claims by certain political groups that they are endorsed by the International Tribunal for Natural Justice: “The International Tribunal for Natural Justice is a completely independent court and tribunal. The ITNJ will determine issues and administer justice in a fair and impartial manner following the Rule of Law and the principles of Natural Justice. We do not have predetermined views or have any political agenda. We are here for all and not any particular group. We do not have to agree with what you say, but we will fight to the death your right to say it (to misquote Voltaire). No group, political or otherwise, has the right to claim endorsement by the ITNJ nor claim any determination prior to a full and proper hearing before the Tribunal.” Does the ITNJ endorse any political groups?
Questions About the Committee to Support the ITNJ
We are international. Members of the team of the Committee to Support the ITNJ reside in North America, South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Asia, etc. The Committee functions to support the ITNJ as a non-profit charity organization based in the USA.Where is the Committee to Support the ITNJ located?
No matter where you live, you are welcome to volunteer. Periodic meetings are held via video conference – we do our best to accommodate all time zones and availability. Apply to Volunteer HereI want to volunteer.