LONDON, ENGLAND Kevin Burnor’s testimony describes the horrors of being a Targeted Individual. Victims are targeted in multiple ways, which include microchipping, gang stalking and illegal theft of finances and property, for the purpose of controlling, monitoring and destroying their lives. Looking back Kevin believes he was set up from the very beginning of his military career where he was assigned as a flight navigator. Having shown great ability he was asked to join military intelligence but declined repeated requests, which was not received well by his superiors. The night before his final flight exam he heard God telling him not to get on the plane the following day, and the plane subsequently crashed, killing all nine people on board. As a consequence to his refusal he received an honorable discharge, but the military’s interference in his life did not end there and his life went into rapid decline. Bedridden and unable to function, Kevin had no resources and was forced to resort to the VA for treatment, so beginning a series of unlawful and improper diagnoses and treatments. During a colonoscopy, a microchip was ‘seared to his colon’, while others were inserted in both ears and the roof of his mouth. While he was able to have some of them removed, scans show that there are still 19 microchips distributed throughout his body, which he describes as a ‘bodysuit’ of chips which continue to wreak havoc on his life to this day. Kevin fled the US for Central America, hoping to escape further persecution. He remained outside the US until 2016 when Trump was elected and he felt safe enought to return. Like many who find themselves in these terrible situations, Kevin believes he has survived by the grace of God, and for the purpose of helping others like him. His testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse on 29th August, 2018 before Chief Justice, Dr. John Walsh of Brannagh, His Grace Bishop Riah Abu El Assal (Jerusalem), ITNJ Commissioner-Criminologist Carine Hutsebaut, and ITNJ Trustees Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash and Connie Broussard.